Welcome. These guidelines are designed to help you use Alpha brand assets creatively and effectively.

Alpha is a global brand, with over 50 offices and courses in over 100 countries. We connect with thousands of people every day; inviting them to try, run, or give to Alpha.

When we apply the Alpha brand consistently, and with a passion for creative excellence, we are giving the church our best, and acting as guardians of the Alpha brand. Together, we are raising awareness of Alpha in every town, city, and country around the world.

Head to the Brand Guidelines section for guidance on colours, fonts, logos and more. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, flick through the Alpha Lookbook to get a sense of the Alpha brand in action.

Say hello…

If you have any questions about the brand guidelines or how to use them, please get in touch with us at comms@alpha.org or fill in this quick form.

Let’s take it offline.

This Alpha Brand Pack includes a PDF of our Brand Guidelines and PNGs of the Alpha logos, so you can access them anywhere.